Welcome to MMU Podcast. This podcast is titled “Importance of Networking”

The latest podcast is about the importance of networking with other people. here are some tips that were recorded during the session. Mr. Law Sze Chuan, as a trainer in corporate and fitness at SkyWorld, from personal trainer to PE coach at an international school . At the moment, is now a Talent Learning Manager At SkyWorld looking for students who are finding a career path in their journey to the industry life.

Connecting with people is essential for improving your job performance. By connecting with others, you can gain a better understanding of your job and how it fits into the overall organization. You can also learn from other’s experiences and knowledge, which can help you grow in your career.

In addition to connecting with people, it is also important to have a general knowledge of the world around you. This knowledge can help you better understand the challenges and opportunities facing your organization. It can also help you build relationships with people from different backgrounds, which can be valuable in today’s global economy.

When handling problems, it is important to respond rather than react. Reacting to a problem is often impulsive and emotional, which can lead to making mistakes. Responding to a problem, on the other hand, is a more thoughtful and deliberate process. It involves taking the time to understand the problem, identify the root cause, and develop a solution.

There are no wrong or right questions when it comes to learning and growing. The most important thing is to ask questions that will help you better understand the situation. If you are not sure what to ask, simply ask for clarification.

Finally, it is important to manage your energy levels when socializing. Socializing can be draining, so it is important to take breaks and recharge your batteries. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it is okay to take a step back and focus on your own needs.

I hope this helps!